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Training Presentations and Materials

This page last updated:  Monday, January 15, 2024 09:36 AM

In the various groups of which I am a member, I give training and presentations on various topics ranging from emergency preparedness to self-defense, firearms safety, home security, and current cyber-security issues.  Please feel free to take a look at the sample presentations below for some ideas on what types of topics I can present.  If you wish to have me present to your group, please contact me and I will be happy to set something up! 

If you do not see the exact topic you are looking for, let me know - I have over 30 years of training delivery and curriculum development experience and can develop custom presentations for a variety of topics and group settings.  I can custom tailor training to meet your needs and exact audience.  From small groups to a room full of employees, I can develop and deliver training to meet your needs.  Most of these training presentations can be given virtually via webinar as well as in person.


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Shameless Disclaimer:  The slide decks below are not necessarily the latest and greatest.  Prior to each class, I update the slides with the most current information available.  These slides are meant to give you a pretty close idea of course content.  But just realize that the actual handouts on the day of the course may be different than what you see here. 

Feel free to download the documents, but by presenting the material to you in person, I can give you a wealth of additional insights as well as promote meaningful discussions with your groups.


Types of Training Available (Click link to visit that section):

[CERT Training]    [Cyber-Security]    [Emergency Prep]    [Self-Defense]



Community Emergency Response Team (CERT):

CERT Backpacks and Equipment
If you are a new member of a CERT Team, you may find that you are looking for ideas for items to augment the basic CERT kit you received in training, or you want ideas for a more robust set of equipment.  I will be happy to give your team training on some ways to further build out your CERT supplies, and show you some ideas how to choose items for your kit.  This training is free of charge for CERT groups who would like additional training above and beyond the basic CERT class.


CERT Basic Helmet Modifications
When you receive your initial kit as part of your CERT training, you will be given a backpack with a variety of basic items, including a plastic helmet to use for head protection while you are out in the field performing CERT duties.  There are a variety of simple modifications that you can do to make this helmet more comfortable and more functional (such as adding a headlamp).  I will be happy to come talk to your group and show you some simple and inexpensive ways to make your CERT gear even better.  This training is free of charge for CERT groups who would like additional training above and beyond the basic CERT class.



CERT Communications Accessories
When you are out in the field on a CERT exercise, you may be looking for ways to be able to communicate.  I, for example, am also a HAM radio operator, so I may be pulling double-duty as a CERT member, and a member of the communications team who can call back information to the Incident Commander.  This article gives some different recommendations for adapting communications equipment to your alternative CERT helmet.  I would be happy to give a presentation to your group on some ways to help you more effectively use comm gear together with your existing CERT gear.  This training is free of charge for CERT groups who would like additional training above and beyond the basic CERT class.


CERT Helmet Alternatives The basic CERT helmet is good and very functional.  It provides adequate bump protection out in the field.  But I was looking for a different type of helmet to accommodate more items such as flashlights, a helmet mounted camera for documenting the scene, and also allow me to wear my communications gear so as to have more of a "hands-free" method for using my gear.  Let me know if your group is interested on some ideas for building out an alternative type of helmet for your CERT gear.  This training is free of charge for CERT groups who would like additional training above and beyond the basic CERT class.


CERT Light Search and Rescue (Module 5)  I currently teach the light search and rescue module for the Fort Collins CERT Team.  This module shows how to use the disaster and damage size-up checklist to safely and properly search damaged structures for victims so that you can get them to safety.  You will learn proper structure marking and search documentation, as well as proper lifting and victim carry techniques.   We do some exercises in the class to practice some different victim extrication techniques as well.  These skills will be used as part of the CERT training class when you do your disaster simulation exercise.  This training is part of a formal CERT class, but I would be happy to give your group an overview of CERT free of charge to help with questions about CERT and what is involved with being a CERT member.


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Practicing "Safe Computing" at Home
This presentation introduces the home computer user to safe practices and good "computer hygiene" in order to help prevent identify theft, phishing email attacks and malicious computer programs from damaging the home system.


Vulnerability and Patch Management
A discussion of the differences between patches and vulnerabilities, and tips for vulnerability discovery and management in the enterprise environment.  This presentation is primarily meant for the enterprise IT Security professionals who may be involved in vulnerability and patch management in a large organization.  The organization in which I practice vulnerability and patch management has approximately 12,000 endpoints.


Cyber-Security Incident Response
Cyber-Security Incident Response encompasses many different tools and many different skills and abilities.  The cyber investigator must be curious, detail oriented, and be able to find the needle in the haystack sometimes.  This presentation is primarily meant for the enterprise IT Security professionals who may be involved in vulnerability and patch management in a large organization.  I recently delivered an abbreviated version of this presentation to the Northern Colorado Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association.



Internet Security at Work
You’ve heard the tales of how companies and organizations were damaged and in some cases even destroyed by cyber criminals.   Most often, damage to big corporations dominates the news, but cyber crooks target small and midsized businesses, too.  In this presentation, we’re going to spend about half an hour outlining how you can work more securely on the Internet and help protect your company’s information (including customer data) and financial assets against online fraud and other cyber crimes.  Small businesses may wish to use this presentation as a way to deliver or add to their annual information systems security awareness for their employees.


Cybersecurity For Startups and Small Businesses
This presentation gives the small business owner or startup business entrepreneur an overview of a couple of the cybersecurity frameworks. Security must be baked in and not sprinkled on as an after thought. This presentation will help give some ideas about the low cost and even free tools available to get your small business on the road to success with implementing cyber security.



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Emergency Preparedness:

Are You Ready?!
Adapted from the FEMA "Are You Ready?! presentation, which I am certified to teach through the Longmont Office of Emergency Management.  Discusses why individuals and households need to be ready for disasters, how to do risk analysis, and how to develop a plan for emergency preparedness.  There are a variety of emergency types to consider, and one of the exercises that we do in this module is to help you brainstorm situations unique to your area, as well as ideas on how to be ready for each.


Active Shooter: What You Can Do! An active shooter event can happen anywhere and when you least expect it! This seminar will teach you the fundamental actions that you can take in the event of an active shooter situation in your school, workplace, place of worship, or local shopping mall.  The goal is to win!


Emergency Preparedness Part 1: Introduction
Introduction to emergency preparedness, the types of emergencies and disasters that might happen, emergency preparedness philosophy, and emergency preparedness stages are all discussed in this module.


Emergency Preparedness Part 2: Home Preparation
Now that we have the basics of what emergency preparedness is all about, it's time to secure our homes and make sure that we have adequate preparations in place to stay safe, maintain good hygiene, and keep our kids and pets safe while we're waiting for help.


Emergency Preparedness Part 3: Every Day Carry (EDC)
What if a disaster strikes while you are away from home?  There are certain items that we recommend that you carry with you all the time, if possible.  You might be stranded and away from home when a disaster strikes.  This may be an urban situation or you may be stuck out in the wilderness somewhere.  This module discusses some items that will help you to ensure that you have some very basic things with you at all times.


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Emergency Preparedness Part 4: The 72-Hour Kit
The 72-hour kit, also known as a "Go-Bag," is a vital piece of your preparedness toolbox.  You may be in a situation where you need to leave home quickly, or you may be away from home and need to make sure that you have adequate supplies for the long walk home (in which case this becomes a "Get-Home-Bag").  In addition to your EDC items, this module will help you with ideas for putting together your own 72-hour kit so that you can be ready when the worst happens.


Emergency Preparedness Part 5: Communications Overview
Communications is the key to success, especially in an emergency.  This class will give you an overview to different types of communications types, licensing requirements, and different strategies for keeping in touch with family during an emergency.



Workplace Security Awareness
This presentation will help you identify potential risks to workplace security, describe measures for improving workplace security, and help you determine the actions to take in response to a security situation. Topics covered include access & security control threats, criminal & terrorist threats, workplace violence threats, and information & cyber threats.


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Self-Defense and Firearms Safety Training:

NRA Mentoring Program
This is a one-on-one mentoring program to expose new shooters to firearms safety and shooting.  Includes range time and practice with various firearms types.  This training is free of charge for an individual new shooter who wants to be exposed to firearms for the first time and wishes to be able to ask a mentor one-on-one about shooting, firearms safety, and getting involved in the shooting sports.


New Shooter Seminar
This seminar covers firearms safety as well as firearms and ammunition safety, firearms types and components, cleaning, and what to expect on the shooting range.  This training is free of charge for a group of new shooters who want to be exposed to firearms for the first time.


Firearms Safety Briefing
This is a safety briefing that I give to all students prior to going to the range.  Please review these slides prior to attending any firearms course.  This is the safety briefing that I give to my full firearms courses, but serves as a good reference for anyone about to go to the range.



Basic Handgun Safety and Concealed Carry Fundaments 
This course gives the student the required instruction to meet the Colorado standards for handgun safety training in order to obtain the Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP.  Firearms and ammunition safety, firearms types, and an introduction to the Colorado statutes governing concealed carry, using a firearm in self-defense, and firearms possession are covered.


Intermediate Defensive Pistol
This course will take the student through some advanced defensive pistol handling exercises.  Students must have completed an NRA Basic Pistol course or equivalent prior to attending.


NRA Refuse to be a Victim Seminar
This seminar teaches students such things as criminal psychology, awareness, home safety, physical security, and techniques using non-lethal self-defense methods.



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