Welcome to Gonzo's Garage.
This site exists as a free media and information
resource and is funded by you wonderful patriots. I maintain
this site as well as my
various blogs in order to
provide meaningful and up to date content for my readers.
But web-hosting, some of the web authoring tools that
I use, and even some of my research sources do cost money. If you like the content here
at Gonzo's Garage and would like to support my work, please consider a donation.
funds provided through donations will be used for
upgrading features on my various sites, paying for web
hosting, upgrading to professional versions of plug-ins
(web authoring) components to enhance content, and
payment of subscriptions, media use, and other research
fees where needed for content ideas and validity.
Of course, spending a little extra for dog treats and
cat toys is not
out of the question, either.
Milo, Sophie, and Charlie often hang out in the office with me
while I'm writing, so they deserve props for lending
moral support. Any donation amount is appreciated.
Unfortunately, your donations to Gonzo's Garage are not
tax deductible, as I am not a 501 charitable or
non-profit entity. But
you will be helping a "poor Internet performer" continue
to provide meaningful content even after I retire from
my day job. It was either this or become an Uber
Your donation will appear as
a donation to "William P. Flinn" (that's
ME), as I am the owner of this website.
Donate Using PayPal
Another way that you can support the work of this
website is to visit the
"Recommended Products" page. I have affiliate
relationships with various vendors who sell a wide
variety of products and services from camping supplies
to self-defense equipment, first-aid supplies, firearms
parts, and even training and motivational resources.
I earn a commission each time you purchase from these
fine companies. I am adding new product links all
the time, so be sure to check back often.
Be sure to visit our recommended products
for self-defense and prepping products!
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